Игра по LAN станет более комфортной и удобной. Много новых команд и возможностей.
Список команд: /Back (Teleports you to latest deathpoint) /Broadcast (Broadcasts a purple colored message to everyone on the server.) /Ban [reason] /BanIp [reason] (name of player will be changed to his IP automatically.) /Unban /UnbanIp /BanList (lists people who are banned) /Kick [reason] /Op /Deop /Fireball /Lightning /God [OptionalPlayerName] /GetTime (Returns a nice representation of the current world's time) /Hat (Puts whatever item in your hand as a helmet!) /Heal [OptionalPlayerName] /PM /Save-All /Save-Off /Save-On /Stop /SetHome /SpawnMob [X] [Y] [Z] /Home /ViewMOTD (View's server MOTD) /SetWarp /Warp /RemoveWarp /WarpList /Spawn /SetSpawn /Reload